Every online business starts with a domain name. Check to see if yours is available. If not you might need to brainstorm!
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WpTutorr is hosted with using VPS (1GB) servers
There are thousands of web host providers, some more established than others. The following list is just a handful of well established web hosts with track records. Most are USA based but their servers are (usually) globally located so your customers will be served from a local server. REMEMBER! The first year of hosting is always cheaper than the renewal cost. The prices quoted below are the prices at the time of editing this page and may have changed since.
We recommend DreamHost based on nearly a decade of experience with their service, including outstanding customer care. ________________________
Their ‘Shared Unlimited’ hosting Plan ($3.95/month) includes:
Unlimited Websites
Free Domain for 1st Year
Unlimited Traffic
FREE Automated WordPress Migrations
Fast SSD Storage Free SSL Certificate Unlimited Email @ Your Domain
WordPress Recommended
They are one of the three Webhosts recommended by WordPress.
Domain names and hosting is cheaper than most for similar features. Even their VPS hosting is cheap with equivalent features. Ideal when you want to scale up.
Their cheapest ($1.55/mo.), ‘Getting Started’ shared hosting plan includes: